Community Spotlight ::: Featuring Arianne!

Greetings friends!

I am so excited to introduce you to my second community spotlight, Arianne!

We have been following each other on Twitter for some time, and a little over a week ago she made some extraordinary transmogs that I fell in love with and wanted to be able to show off. You will see a couple of Arianne’s personal favourite transmogs for her Hunter main, as well as some really “dress up” ideas for Hallow’s End. With this in game even coming up soon, I hope that you may get inspired to get in to the spirit of things and think of some sort of dress up transmogs for your characters. Arianne certainly has inspired me and there is one transmog in particular (that you will see below) that I would love to try for Eluvia.

Now without further ado, here is Arianne in her first Legion inspired transmog.


Item List:

Shoulders: Pauldrons of the Savage Hunt (Xhul’horac, HFC Mythic)
Cloak: Thalassian Wildercloak (Kael’thas, Tempest Keep)
Chest: Harness of the Deep Currents (Murmur, Shadow Lab)
Hands: Grips of Unending Anguish (Sun Tenderheart, SoO)
Waist: Lifecycle Waistguard (Magmaw, Blackwind Descent – normal mode)
Legs: Leggings of the Violent Gale (Lei Shen, Throne of Thunder – HC mode)
Feet: Ravager’s Pathwalkers (General Nazgrim, SoO)
Weapon: Black Bow of the Betrayer (Illidan, Black Temple)
(I would just like to make a little note here and let you all know that all images you will see in this post were made and sent to me by Arianne. She has some really great Photoshop skills and created these beautiful images. Thank you Arianne!)
I really enjoy this take on a Legion/Fel themed transmog. The chosen items match perfectly and immediately give off the look and feel of Legion. The Fel Wolf pet is of course the ultimate Hunter accessory and really sets the whole thing off. If any of you out there have created any Legion inspired transmogs I would love to see them. Feel free to get in touch!
Arianne’s second transmog is Sindorei ranger inspired and is her signature transmog, enjoy.
Shoulders: Wayfaring Shoulderguards (Stage 1 – WoD Leatherworking)
Chest: Embrace of the Phoenix (TBC LW, pattern from Sunwell Plateau)
Waist: Wayfaring Belt (Stage 1 – WoD LW)
Feet: Wayfaring Boots (Stage 1 – WoD LW)
Weapon: Golden Bow of Quel’thalas (Alythess & Sacrolash, Sunwell Plateau)
This transmog perfectly captures how a Sindorei ranger might look. I enjoy that the overall look is softer than the Legion transmog, but still lets us know that this ranger can be lethal when she needs to be! Does anyone else want to jump into that picture? The forest looks so warm and inviting!
Now that you have seen how Arianne usually looks while in Azeroth, let us get to know her a little better. I was able to ask Arianne a few questions and will share for you with her answers.
Hi Arianne, and thank you so much for agreeing to be my second community spotlight! We have been following and looking at each other’s images on Twitter for a while, and when I saw your Hallow’s End ideas I did little happy dances. They are really creative and fun. Please tell us where you are from and how long have you been playing WoW?
Thank you! I’m so happy to be a part of this. I’m portuguese, but I’ve also been an inhabitant of Azeroth since 2008 (late TBC). I am currently residing in the Tarren Mill server.

What is it about transmog that you like the most, and have you chosen your Hallows End costume?

I just love the idea of customization and that everyone gets to look the way they want and make their character feel more special. It’s also been such a major life saver to me in roleplaying. And even though I’m no proclaimed artist, I love being creative in any way I can. As for Hallow’s End, I think I’ll just go with a vampiresque red mog I’m currently farming, for now, but I’ll most probably go as Wonder Woman on special occasion for the kicks.

As we share a love of the Hunter class, I am curious. Do you have a favourite Hunter pet, or have you begun to match the pet to your outfit?

I think the answer to this is both. I do tend to match the pet to the transmog be it color or lore wise, as you may see in the images I share. I love and collect Hunter pets, but there are three special ones that I hold really close: my white tiger Ariel (King Bangalash), which I’ve tamed at level 40 and ran my first raids with; Loque’nahak which is still, in my opinion, the most unique-looking pet in the game and was also my first rare tame; and King Krush, aka Arianosaurus, the guy with the name that always made people chuckle everywhere I carried him- and yeap, this is where my Twitter username came from!

Is there a class in WoW that you love the look and idea of but are unable to get good at playing? I have a couple of these classes myself that I just wish I could master but cannot find the time.

Same here! I am really attached to my hunter but I wish I’d be able to play other classes more often. I adore the concept of druids, their lore and relationship with nature, plus the fact that they’re this sort of “jack of all trades”. So if I ever reroll a new class, it will most probably be a drood.

What has been your favourite memory that you have gained in your time playing WoW?

I have so many good memories in WoW. I remember my very first death- my boyfriend was running to meet me while I was questing and laughed out loud as he saw me falling from Windrunner Spire from afar. Taming Loque’nahak back in Wrath was, of course, a very intense moment, after so many weeks hunting him. But I mostly miss my WotLK guild. Those really were my glory days. We had a very dedicated raid team of good players but still did a lot of silly things together. Sometimes late in the evening, after a raid, some of us would group up on the very top of the Temple of Storms in Storm Peaks, take our entire gear off and summon a ground mount. Then the our paladin and shaman would pop Crusader Aura + Bloodlust and we’d all jump towards the bottom of the Engine of the Makers. The one that died farther away from where we jumped from would be deemed the winner. And then we’d do it all over again! It was so fun and it’s moments like this that make this game so precious, I think.

With the ‘Legion’ expansion coming soon, what is the thing you are most looking forward to within it?

There are a few things I’m really excited about. One of them is (obviously) the new transmogrification system, because I struggle a lot with bag and bank space thanks to transmog gear. I am also looking forward to the upcoming hunter changes and to giving a try to the new Survival spec. Even though I probably won’t be playing it much, the idea of fighting with a spear and a beast by my side sounds so awesome to me. And finally, going inside the Emerald Dream. I’ve been secretly asking for that ever since I found one of the Emerald Portals in Ashenvale while leveling. I seriously hope that’s gonna be amazing.

And finally, as a fellow transmog addict, what are some tips or ideas that you may have for someone who is just starting to play around with outfits within WoW?

Choose a theme that you love and is meaningful to you (and your character). Spend some time browsing item models – the Icy Veins transmog guide has an amazing gallery of possible items for each class. As you get more and more comfortable with the process, start looking at details and don’t be afraid to mix and match!
And now the part that I have been so excited to show you ever since I saw Arianne tweet about these transmogs. She has made some amazing Hallows End costume ideas which I am sure will inspire avid transmoggers as well as people who are new to that aspect of the game alike!

Have you ever though about what your character may dress up as for an event such as Hallows End? Arianne has, and is graciously allowing me to show off three of the outfits here.

The first is modeled after Valla in the Diablo universe.
Head: Wild Gladiator’s Chain Helm (WoD PvP season 2 – HORDE ONLY)
Shoulders: Stained Shoulderguards (quest reward from Blasted Lands)
Back: Tarred Greatcloak (WoD BoE)
Chest: Crackle-proof Chestguard (Ko’ragh LFR)
Shirt: Stylish Red Shirt (Tailoring)
Hands: Champion’s Gauntlets (World BoE)
Legs: Mag’hari Hunstman’s Leggings or Sunfury Leggings (quest rewards from Outland- Nagrand & Shadowmoon Valley)
Feet: Ram Carrier’s Treads (Blackhand LFR)

Weapon: Bloodmire Crossbow (quest reward from Swamp of Sorrows)

I do not think I have the time to get all of these items together before Hallows End begins, but I think I will try to collect them for next year. I dare you to go and look at a picure to Valla, and then come back and check Ariannes idea. The resemblance is very close indeed.
The second idea is a Wonder Woman transmog.
Head: Merciless Crown (world BoE)
Shoulders: Golden Scale Shoulders (blacksmithing BoE)
Chest: Battleforge Armor (world BoE)
Hands: Protector Gauntlets (world BoE)
Waist: Sparkleshell Belt (world BoE)
Legs: Outrunner’s Legguards (world BoE)
Feet: Bloodlust Boots (world BoE)
Weapon: a simple wooden bow, or Skyfire Hawk-bow (from Om’rogg in Shattered Halls), as the colors and shape complement the outfit nicely.
I had personally seen some Wonder Woman inspired transmogs before, but Arianne’s rendition definitely points me to the super hero directly.
Transmog costume idea three is Pirate inspired. Yaaaaaaaaaar!
Head: Malefactor’s Eyepatch (quest reward from Blade’s Edge Mountains)
Shoulders: Harlan’s Shoulders (Armsmaster Harlan, Scarlet Halls)
Chest: Mail of Crimson Coins (Prince Valanar, Icecrown Citadel)
Shirt: White Swashbuckler’s Shirt (Tailoring)
Hands: Renegade Gauntlets (World BoE)
Waist: Blackforge Girdle (World BoE)
Legs: Talhide Lined-Leggings (World BoE)
Feet: Blackforge Greaves (World BoE)
Weapon: Widebarrel Flintlock (Fjola Lightbane, Trial of the Crusader)
Ay matey! This hunter is ready to sail and plunder throughout the Great Sea!
Now while these examples have all been for mail wearers it should not stop you from playing around with your armour class and seeing what kind of costumes you can come up with for your character.
If these three have wet your appetite, check out Arianne’s blog (Aspect of the Dragonhawk) where she has added two more sets of superhero inspired transmogs.  For those of you who are a part of the Twitter community, you can also find and follow her there @Ariannasaurus.
Thank you again Arianne for agreeing to be a part of my Community Spotlight series and for providing these beautiful images to share. All of my next posts will not be as beautiful and it’s all your fault! (teehee I am not angry though no worries! I should learn some mad photoshop skills too).
If any of you out there have someone that you would like to nominate to be a part of my next Community Spotlight post please get in touch! You can even nominate yourself!
Ta ta for now everyone, and have fun! If you create your own Hallows End transmog please show me, I would love to see it!

3 thoughts on “Community Spotlight ::: Featuring Arianne!

  1. Pingback: Challenge Mode Accepted! | Eluvia's Transmog Gallery

  2. Pingback: Transmog Tuesday – This Hunter is Prepared for Legion! | Aspect of the Dragonhawk

  3. Pingback: Challenge Mode Accepted! – Eluvia's Transmog Gallery

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